
Posts by mbailey

Are You Looking For Online Work?

Are You Looking For Online Work?

It’s not my normal post, but I thought I’d hand out some information. It’s not going to be anything fancy...

What Inspires You?

What Inspires You?

I am a very bad painter, a so-so crocheter, a terrible knitter, and a good flaw in your logic pointer-outer....

Hiya Readerland!

I’m still here, it’s just going to be quiet for a while in newsletter land. I’ve had some issues that...

Updating…or Why I’ve Been So Quiet…or A Call for Peace

Updating…or Why I’ve Been So Quiet…or A Call for Peace

Lately, there’s a lot going on in the romance publishing world. Trademark battles, authors behaving badly, name calling, and acts...

What’s Been Happening?

What’s Been Happening?

  A lot has happened, actually. We moved, I’ve published more stories, and life has totally changed. We’re in a...

Female Horror Authors, Are Their Books Any Good?

Female Horror Authors, Are Their Books Any Good?

Now, before everybody gets all offended, I’m a female. I write romance with a horror twist, so please don’t think...

Isadora Lives!

Sounds of the Night is now live and available on #Kindle! I’m so excited to see how this book does...

Sounds of the Night

The sequel to Moans in the Night and Moans in the Night: Zyana is about to be released. The cover...

Sounds of the Night: Isadora

Sounds of the Night: Isadora

Sounds of the Night: Isadora has now been sent to the publisher and will be available soon on Kindle! No...

Wattpad and Short Stories :)

Wattpad and Short Stories :)

I’ve been busy, resting is work, you know? It has taken a while to get over that bit of nastiness...