Are You Looking For Online Work?
It’s not my normal post, but I thought I’d hand out some information. It’s not going to be anything fancy...
It’s not my normal post, but I thought I’d hand out some information. It’s not going to be anything fancy...
I am a very bad painter, a so-so crocheter, a terrible knitter, and a good flaw in your logic pointer-outer....
I’m still here, it’s just going to be quiet for a while in newsletter land. I’ve had some issues that...
Lately, there’s a lot going on in the romance publishing world. Trademark battles, authors behaving badly, name calling, and acts...
A lot has happened, actually. We moved, I’ve published more stories, and life has totally changed. We’re in a...
Now, before everybody gets all offended, I’m a female. I write romance with a horror twist, so please don’t think...
Sounds of the Night is now live and available on #Kindle! I’m so excited to see how this book does...
The sequel to Moans in the Night and Moans in the Night: Zyana is about to be released. The cover...
Sounds of the Night: Isadora has now been sent to the publisher and will be available soon on Kindle! No...
I’ve been busy, resting is work, you know? It has taken a while to get over that bit of nastiness...
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